Across The Earth

Author Kevin COllins -------------------- song title - ACROSS THE EARTH by HILL SONG ------------------------------------------- OK this is guitar # 1. There are a total of three electrics in this song .. this song has been transposed two whole steps down for our female vocalist Tuning is Drop D Guitar #1 (D A D G B E) Intro and verse..just muffle while singer sings |-----------------------| |-----------------------| |-7-7-7--6-6---2-2-2----| |-0-0-0--0-0---0-0-0----| |-----------------------| |-----------------------| this is the prechorus...."for you are great and mighty" |-2------5----| |-5------8----| |-4------7----| |-2------5----| |-2------5----| |-2------5----| this is the chorus...just repeat it twice |-0--------5---------9---------7----| |-3--------8--------12--------10----| |-2--------7--------11---------9----| |-0--------5---------9---------7----| |-0--------5---------9---------7----| |-0--------5---------9---------7----| this is the post chorus...."Your kinddom reigns..above all" hold first chord twice |-2------0------7----| |-5------3-----10----| |-4------2------9----| |-2------0------7----| |-2------0------7----| |-2------0------7----|